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What’s A Video Game Company Rebrand? See These 10 Rules Now! Before A Failure

Game Company Rebrand: It’s More Than Just a Logo

Rebranding your game company can be a thrilling but complex endeavor. Often, the conversation begins with the suggestion, “We need to rebrand.” This usually leads to discussions about updating the logo, under the assumption that a new visual identity will rejuvenate the brand. However, changing your logo ≠ changing your brand. A brand is a multi-faceted entity that goes far beyond a mere visual symbol. Kevin Russell’s insights encapsulate this perfectly.

Let’s explore what a brand truly entails and how to successfully approach a game company rebrand that goes beyond just altering the logo.

1. A Game Company Rebrand is About the Emotions Your Name Evokes

When considering a game company rebrand, think about the emotions that your company name stirs in your audience. Does it spark excitement, evoke nostalgia, or possibly bring about frustration? This emotional connection is the core of your brand. It’s the reason players choose your games over others. As you embark on a game company rebrand, your focus should be on shaping these emotions. Do you want to maintain the same sentiment or pivot to something new? For example, if your company is renowned for intense, challenging games, rebranding to appeal to a broader audience will require more than just a visual update. It’s about creating an experience that aligns with the desired emotional impact.

2. The Stories Players Tell During a Game Company Rebrand Matter

The stories that players share about your games are crucial during a game company rebrand. These narratives, spread through word of mouth, play a significant role in shaping your brand’s reputation. When planning a game company rebrand, consider the stories you want your players to tell. Are you aiming to transition from an underdog to a market leader? Then your rebranding efforts should highlight success stories and milestones. These shared experiences can have a more profound impact than any marketing campaign.

3. Consistency is Crucial in a Game Company Rebrand

Consistency is a foundational element in any successful game company rebrand. Players appreciate predictability, whether it’s in gameplay, updates, or customer service. When undergoing a game company rebrand, it’s essential to ensure that the new brand identity is consistently reflected across all touchpoints. This includes not only visual aspects but also the tone of voice in communications, the quality of your games, and the way you interact with your community. Consistency fosters trust, and without it, your rebranding efforts may fall short.

4. Game Company Rebrand: Stand by Your Values

Values are the backbone of your brand, guiding decisions and resonating with your audience. In a game company rebrand, it’s crucial to revisit and reassess these core values. Do they still resonate with your target audience? Do they align with the direction your company is headed? A successful game company rebrand isn’t merely about updating visual elements; it’s about ensuring that your values are visible and consistent throughout your business operations.

5. Game Company Rebrand: Solving Problems in New Ways

At its heart, a brand is a promise to solve specific problems for its audience. In the context of a game company rebrand, this means re-evaluating the challenges you originally set out to address. Have these challenges evolved? Has your approach to solving them changed? A game company rebrand should reflect how your company continues to meet—or exceed—player expectations in a way that is authentic and compelling. This alignment is key to a successful rebrand.

6. Transforming the Player Experience in a Game Company Rebrand

A game company rebrand is not just about changing your logo; it’s about transforming the entire player experience. From the initial exposure to your brand through an ad to the final interaction during an in-game purchase, every touchpoint matters. Your game company rebrand should ensure that all these interactions align with the new identity you wish to project. This comprehensive approach is essential for creating a cohesive and memorable experience for your players.

7. In a Game Company Rebrand, the Logo is Just the Beginning

It’s easy to focus on the visual aspects during a game company rebrand, especially since the logo is the most visible part of your brand. However, the logo is only the beginning. Beneath it lies the true essence of your brand—your company’s mission, vision, and community engagement. If your game company rebrand centers solely on the logo, you risk missing the opportunity to forge a deeper connection with your audience.

8. Game Company Rebrand: The Hidden Elements of Your Brand

When undertaking a game company rebrand, it’s important to recognize that the visible elements, like your logo and website, represent only a small fraction of your brand. The remaining 90% includes your company culture, employee relations, and response to challenges. A thorough game company rebrand should delve into these less visible but equally critical aspects, ensuring that they evolve in line with your new brand direction.

9. Defining Change in a Game Company Rebrand

Before starting a game company rebrand, it’s essential to clarify, “What exactly are we trying to change about how our customers perceive and experience us?” If the answer is “nothing,” then perhaps what you need is not a full rebrand but simply a refreshed logo. Conversely, if the answer is “everything,” it might be time to reconsider your entire business strategy. Understanding the true intent behind the rebrand will ensure that your efforts are aligned with your goals.

10. Aligning Your Business in a Game Company Rebrand

Ultimately, a successful game company rebrand is about aligning every aspect of your business with the promises you make to your customers. It’s about consistently delivering on those promises in a way that feels authentic and reliable. A strong brand isn’t just about perfecting visuals; it’s about ensuring that your entire operation—from game development to customer support—embodies the values and experiences you want your company to represent. This is the key to creating a brand that not only stands out but also stands the test of time.


Rebranding your game company is a significant undertaking that requires careful consideration and strategic planning. It’s not just about updating your logo or altering your color scheme. It’s about rethinking how your brand is perceived and ensuring that every part of your business aligns with the new identity you wish to convey. Before diving into a game company rebrand, take a moment to consider what you’re truly trying to achieve. Whether it’s refreshing your image or revamping your entire approach, remember: a successful rebrand starts with a deep understanding of what your brand truly represents.

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